“Excellence is never an accident, it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort and intelligent execution, it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – Choice not Chance determines your destiny” -Aristotle
Dr. Charalampos Ath. Tziogas
- Dr. Eng
- M.Eng
- M.B.A.
- P.M. Consultant
Dipl. Mechanical & Industrial Engineer (T.C.G.: 117436)
Consulting Engineer (P.M.I.: 1180731)-SME Development Specialist
Ol. Diamanti 20, 54 626, Thessaloniki, Centre, Greece
Dr. Charalampos Tziogas studied Mechanical and Industrial Engineering at Polytechnic School, Democritus University of Thrace, (D.U.Th.). He holds a M.Eng. in Construction Management and an M.B.A. focused in Marketing in Digital Era. In 2019, Mr. Tziogas received the Ph.D. diploma in Mechanical Engineering at School of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Aristotle University Thessaloniki (A.U.Th.). Dr. Tziogas has long teaching experience in university lectures and distance learning courses as well as the preparation of teaching material. During his employment in Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece he was involved in the undergraduate courses: Industrial Management and Reengineering Procedures, System Dynamics, Forecasting, Investment Analysis and Evaluation, Simulation Architecture and Development, Product and Life Cycle Analysis, Entrepreneurship and Project Management. Novel, innovative educational tools and tailored material were developed so as to successfully serve each course and meet the students’ needs. Innovative teaching platforms (custom CRM systems, online simulations and spreadsheets) have been developed under his supervision so as to serve the best in the teaching experience and students’ engagement. Beyond his scientific interests in the areas of energy systems management, business organization and management, sustainable development, innovative entrepreneurship and investment tool development, and sustainable supply chain management, ha has established useful methods that were efficiently applied in training schemes that organized and customized according to the young and early career entrepreneurs (via Young Entrepreneurs-NE and YES for Europe).
Since 2009, Dr. Tziogas runs and maintains a Technical Company, (C.A.Tziogas & Associates – Consulting Engineers), with technical and research projects oriented mainly in Thessaloniki and Central Macedonia areas. As an active citizen, he has an active engagement in numerous research communities, charitable and non-profit organizations, such as: System Dynamics Society, Youth Entrepreneurship – ΝΕ, European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (Yes for Europe), Technical Chamber of Greece, Project Management Institute, e.t.c., serving in vital positions, such as: lecturer, Vice President, member of the executive committee of Innovation, Competitiveness and Entrepreneurship, and ambassador for the A.U.Th, respectively.
Work Experience
- 21 August 2009 – Present
- 01 April 2019 – Present
- 20/09/2016–Present
- 10/10/2013–Present
Founder and Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.)
TECHNICAL COMPANY (CHARALAMPOS ATH. TZIOGAS & ASSOCIATES – CONSULTING ENGINEERS) 20 Olympiou Diamanti str., GR-54626, Thessaloniki (Greece)Technical Services, Integrated Consulting Services
- Technical Studies and Surveys
- Licensing and evaluation of existing structures
- Energy Studies and Inspections
- Technical Safety Inspection and Reporting
- Project & Construction Management
- Business Plan – Feasibility Studies – Sustainability Assessment – Risk Management
Construction Services
- Renovations of internal and external areas, audited demolition, retrofitting, restoration of residential, industrial and public and municipality sector
Specialized Consulting Services
- Business Modelling – Data Analysis – Simulation – Prototyping
- Designing - Management - Implementation for sustainable projects
- Design & Management of European and National programs
- Development and implementation of optimal forecasting techniques
- Statistical analysis and development of aggregated reports
- Development of dynamic decision-making models at operational, tactical and strategic level
- Design, development and monitoring of business restructuring for organizational change and continuous improvement
- Development of applications and software
- Design and Implementation of strategic communication plan and targeted advertising
Chief Developing Officer (C.D.O.) (External Consultant)
CENTRE FOR THE GREEK LANGUAGE (supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs) 1 Karamaouna Str.-Skra Sq., 55132 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece https://www.greeklanguage.gr/Research Division for the Support & Promotion of the Greek Language
- Strategic Planning
- Technology Transfer & Continuous Improvement
- Digital transformation and e-learing projects
- Agile Management and Operational Analysis
- Organization of the exams for the Certification of Attainment in Greek
- Project Management and Coordination of research projects forthe teaching of Modern Greek as a foreign/second language
- Digital Marketing and Social Media Promotion
Financial Department
- Public Investment Planning (Πρόγραμμα Δημοσίων Επενδύσεων - ΠΔΕ)
- Accountant for the Public Investment scheme
VENTURE GARDEN -AMERICAN COLLEGE OF THESSALONIKI American College of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 21021, 55510, Thessaloniki, Greece https://www.venturegarden.gr/- Delivering Training courses and seminars from the business perspective
- Mentor: 4 teams
- Lessons: Entrepreneurship
Professor / Academic Consultant
ICBS BUSINESS COLLEGE Thessaloniki 108, P.O. Box 46, P.C. 57013, Galini, Oraiokastro, http://www.icbs.gr/- Delivering Training courses and Seminars at a postgraduate business program (M.B.A.)
- Lesson: Operations Management
Founder and Chief Executive Officer (C.E.O.)
20 Olympiou Diamanti str., GR-54626, Thessaloniki (Greece)
Technical Services, Integrated Consulting Services
- Technical Studies and Surveys
- Licensing and evaluation of existing structures
- Energy Studies and Inspections
- Technical Safety Inspection and Reporting
- Project & Construction Management
- Business Plan – Feasibility Studies – Sustainability Assessment – Risk Management
Construction Services
- Renovations of internal and external areas, audited demolition, retrofitting, restoration of residential,
industrial and public and municipality sector
Specialized Consulting Services
- Business Modelling – Data Analysis – Simulation – Prototyping
- Designing - Management - Implementation for sustainable projects
- Design & Management of European and National programs
- Development and implementation of optimal forecasting techniques
- Statistical analysis and development of aggregated reports
- Development of dynamic decision-making models at operational, tactical and strategic level
- Design, development and monitoring of business restructuring for organizational change and continuous improvement
- Development of applications and software
- Design and Implementation of strategic communication plan and targeted advertising
Business or sector: Technical Consulting Services
Chief Developing Officer (C.D.O.) (External Consultant)
(supervised by the Ministry of Education and Religious Affairs)
1 Karamaouna Str.-Skra Sq., 55132 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece
Research Division for the Support & Promotion of the Greek Language
- Strategic Planning
- Technology Transfer & Continuous Improvement
- Digital transformation and e-learing projects
- Agile Management and Operational Analysis
- Organization of the exams for the Certification of Attainment in Greek
- Project Management and Coordination of research projects forthe teaching of Modern Greek as a foreign/second language
- Digital Marketing and Social Media Promotion
Financial Department
- Public Investment Planning (Πρόγραμμα Δημοσίων Επενδύσεων - ΠΔΕ)
- Accountant for the Public Investment scheme
Business or sector: Research Institute
VENTURE GARDEN -AMERICAN COLLEGE OF THESSALONIKI American College of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 21021, 55510, Thessaloniki, Greece https://www.venturegarden.gr/- Delivering Training courses and seminars from the business perspective
- Mentor: 4 teams
- Lessons: Entrepreneurship
Professor / Academic Consultant
ICBS BUSINESS COLLEGE Thessaloniki 108, P.O. Box 46, P.C. 57013, Galini, Oraiokastro, http://www.icbs.gr/- Delivering Training courses and Seminars at a postgraduate business program (M.B.A.)
- Lesson: Operations Management
- October 2019
- June 2014
- 08 November 2009
- 11 April 2008
- 2002
Researcher – Ph.D. Candidate
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Department of Mechanical Engineering Building D, 7th floor EL-P.O. Box 461, GR-541 24 Thessaloniki (Greece). http://lba.meng.auth.gr
Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management Division, Polytechnic School.
Teaching Assistant
- Operations Management (academic years 2010-present, compulsory course of the 6th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/600059681.
- System Dynamics (academic years 2011-present, elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 9th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20051658.
- Investment Planning and Analysis (academic years 2010-2012, 2017-2020 elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 9th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20053404. - Production Management (academic years 2010-2014, elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 7th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki).
https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20051655. - Ph.D. Thesis submitted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Business Administration, Polytechnic School, title: " Sustainable development and electricity production:
development of dynamic simulation prototypes for the improvement of energy efficiency”, https://www.didaktorika.gr/eadd/handle/10442/46584. - Main objective: The aim of the thesis is to highlight the importance of the dimensions of sustainability and the development of dynamic simulation models to improve energy efficiency in the power sector, in line with the requirement of sustainability towards sustainable development at global scale. The initial bibliographic research aims at outlining, classifying and evaluating the basic parameters taken into account in the development and management of an electricity system based on their environmental, economic, social and strategic performance. At a second stage, the development of a transition system model from conventional forms of energy to renewable sources is attempted through various adoption policies, according to the methodological approach of Dynamic Systems. One of the examples of the three(3) simulation models implemented along the doctoral thesis is achieved by modeling, simulating and evaluating the business operation and promoting the services and solutions offered by the Energy Services Companies in terms of the impact of various promotional practices on the overall rate of adoption of green energy to replace conventional generating energy in a certain market. The monitoring and evaluation of a typical example of energy-saving program follows that emphasize not only at the improvement of energy efficiency in the residential housing sector at national level, but also at the calibration of the simulation models and insights provided regarding real data. Last but not least, significant conclusions are extracted regarding the adoption of specific policy decisions on the performance and sustainability of an electricity system and the current trends and prospects that should be taken into account in the development of efficient, sustainable policies.
Post Graduate Studies (Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.))
AMERICAN COLLEGE OF THESSALONIKI (A.C.T.) American College of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 21021, 55510, Thessaloniki, Greece. https://www.act.edu/- Awarded the Diploma of M.B.A., with the overall grade of B+
- Title of the submitted thesis: “The Role of Marketing in Promoting Sustainability of the Electricity Sector: A System Dynamics Approach for the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Residential Sector”. Supervisor: Dr. Nikolaos L. Hourvouliades
Post Graduate Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI (A.U.Th.) Engineering School, Department of Civil Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece)- Awarded the Diploma of Master of Science in "Engineering Project Management", with the overall grade of 9.18 (EXCELLENT)
- Submission of the thesis to the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece on November 2009 for the Master of Science in Engineering Project Management (MSc.), with the title: "Strategic Financing of Astypalea Island in the Sections of Tourism and Sustainable Development". Supervisor: prof. Demos C. Angelides. http://www.civil.auth.gr/dep/angelides/en/tziogas_msc.html
Diploma in Production and Management Engineering (Mechanical Engineer)
Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), Engineering School, Department of Production Engineering and Management, Xanthi (Greece)
- Awarded the Diploma of the Department of Production and Management Engineering, School of Engineering.
- Submission of the thesis to the Department of Production and Management Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece on March 2008 for the Diploma in Production and Management Engineering (Dipl. Eng.), with the title: "Time and Cost Management: Constructing the Forestation of Thessaloniki Metro Station - "New Railway Station"". Supervisor: Assist. Prof. K. P. Anagnostopoulos.
High School Diploma (Apolitirio)
Madoulides School, Thessaloniki (Greece) https://www.mandoulides.edu.gr/Researcher – Ph.D. Candidate
ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI (A.U.Th.) Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Department of Mechanical Engineering Building D, 7th floor EL-P.O. Box 461, GR-541 24 Thessaloniki (Greece). http://lba.meng.auth.gr Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management Division, Polytechnic School.Teaching Assistant
- Operations Management (academic years 2010-present, compulsory course of the 6th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/600059681.
- System Dynamics (academic years 2011-present, elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 9th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20051658.
- Investment Planning and Analysis (academic years 2010-2012, 2017-2020 elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 9th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20053404.
- Production Planning and Control (academic years 2010-2014, elective course offered by the Industrial Management Division of the 7th semester in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic School, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki). https://qa.auth.gr/en/class/1/20051655.
- Ph.D. Thesis submitted in the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Business Administration, Polytechnic School, title: " Sustainable development and electricity production: development of dynamic simulation prototypes for the improvement of energy efficiency”, https://www.didaktorika.gr/eadd/handle/10442/46584.
- Main objective: Develop a dynamic simulator capable to capture and assess potential behaviour of the electricity sector for the coming years under the spectrum of sustainability.
Post Graduate Studies (Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.))
AMERICAN COLLEGE OF THESSALONIKI (A.C.T.) American College of Thessaloniki, P.O. Box 21021, 55510, Thessaloniki, Greece. https://www.act.edu/- Awarded the Diploma of M.B.A., with the overall grade of B+
- Title of the submitted thesis: “The Role of Marketing in Promoting Sustainability of the Electricity Sector: A System Dynamics Approach for the Diffusion of Renewable Energy Technologies in the Residential Sector”. Supervisor: Dr. Nikolaos L. Hourvouliades
Post Graduate Studies (Master of Science (M.Sc.))
ARISTOTLE UNIVERSITY OF THESSALONIKI (A.U.Th.) Engineering School, Department of Civil Engineering, Thessaloniki (Greece)- Awarded the Diploma of Master of Science in "Engineering Project Management", with the overall grade of 9.18 (EXCELLENT)
- Submission of the thesis to the Department of Civil Engineering, School of Engineering, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece on November 2009 for the Master of Science in Engineering Project Management (MSc.), with the title: "Strategic Financing of Astypalea Island in the Sections of Tourism and Sustainable Development". Supervisor: prof. Demos C. Angelides. http://www.civil.auth.gr/dep/angelides/en/tziogas_msc.html
Diploma in Production and Management Engineering (Mechanical Engineer)
Democritus University of Thrace (DUTH), Engineering School, Department of Production Engineering and Management, Xanthi (Greece)- Awarded the Diploma of the Department of Production and Management Engineering, School of Engineering.
- Submission of the thesis to the Department of Production and Management Engineering, School of Engineering, Democritus University of Thrace, Greece on March 2008 for the Diploma in Production and Management Engineering (Dipl. Eng.), with the title: "Time and Cost Management: Constructing the Forestation of Thessaloniki Metro Station - "New Railway Station"". Supervisor: Assist. Prof. K. P. Anagnostopoulos.
High School Diploma (Apolitirio)
Madoulides School, Thessaloniki (Greece) https://www.mandoulides.edu.gr/Specialization & Skills
Professional Specialization
- Project Management
- Operations Management
- Portfolio Management & Risk Assessment
- SME Development
- Feasibility Analysis
- Technical Analysis
- Energy Engineer/Surveyor
- Reengineering & Organizational Change
- Dynamic Simulation Analysis
- Productivity Assessment & Time Management
- Life Cycle Analysis & Marketing
- Technology Transfer, Innovation & Continuous Improvement
Academic & Counseling
Academic, Entrepreneurial & Social Contribution
Listening | Reading | Spoken Interaction | Spoken Production | ||
ENGLISH | C1 | C1 | C1 | C1 | C1 |
Fist Certificate in English (F.C.E) | University of Cambridge – Local Examinations Syndicate Reference Number: 98CGR0280369 | Certificate Number: 1811289 Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) | ETS Registration Number: 0000000005619136 | |||||
GERMAN | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 | A1 |
Levels: A1/A2: Basic user – B1/B2: Independent user – C1/C2: Proficient user
Common European Framework of References for Languages
Additional Information
- Publicationsin peer-reviewed
Journals with impact factor - International Conferences with
peer-reviewed Proceedings - Book Chapters
- Projects
- Military Service
09 February 2010
04 November 2010 - Honours and Awards
- Reviewer
- Social /
Organisational /
skills - Seminars / Certifications
- Hobbies
- Tziogas C., Papadopoulos A, Georgiadis P. (2021). Policy implementation and energy-saving strategies for the residential sector: The case of the Greek Energy Refurbishment program. Energy Policy, 149. DOI: 10.1016/j.enpol.2020.112100.
- Tziogas C., Georgiadis P., Papadopoulos A. (2018). Fostering the Transition to Sustainable Electricity Systems: A Hierarchical Analysis Framework. Journal of Cleaner Production, 206, 51-56. DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2018.09.117
- Tziogas C., Georgiadis P., Tsolakis N., Yakinthos C., (2015). Sustainability dynamics in electricity sector: the role of marketing. International Journal of Strategic Innovative Marketing, 02, 65-81, DOI: 10.15556/IJSIM.02.04.005
- Tziogas C., Georgiadis P., Tsolakis N. (2015). Sustainability and the Social Aspect of Energy Systems: A System Dynamics Approach. European Journal of Sustainable Development, 4 (4), 285-292, DOI: 10.14207/ejsd.2015.v4n4p285
- Tziogas C., Georgiadis P. (2015). Sustainable energy security: critical taxonomy and system dynamics decision making methodology. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 43, 1951-1956, DOI: 10.3303/CET1543326.
- Tziogas, C., & Georgiadis, P. (2013). Investigating the Causalities for Cleaner and Affordable Electricity Production Mix: A System Dynamics Methodological Approach. Chemical Engineering Transactions, 35, 649-654. DOI: 10.3303/CET1335108.
- Tziogas Charalampos, Georgiadis Patroklos, Tsolakis Naoum, Yakinthos Charalampos, “Electricity Pricing Mechanism in a Sustainable Environment: A Review and a System Dynamics Modeling Approach”, 4th International Conference of Strategic Innovation and Marketing, 24-27 September 2015, Mykonos, Greece
- Tziogas Charalampos, Tsolakis Naoum, Georgiadis Patroklos, Yakinthos Charalampos, “The Role of Marketing Interventions in Fostering the Diffusion of Green Energy Technologies”, 4th International Conference of Strategic Innovation and Marketing, 24-27 September 2015, Mykonos, Greece
- Charalampos Tziogas, Maria Besiou, Patroklos Georgiadis, Reinhard Angelmar, “A Dynamic Analysis of Chronic Diseases in Health Supply Chains”, 1st International Conference on Agrifood SCM & Green Logistics, May 23-25, 2015, Halkidiki, Greece
- Athanasios Bozinis, Charalampos Tziogas “Smart Cities for the Economic and Social Development”, 6th International Conference on International Business(ICIB), 22 – 24 May 2015, Thessaloniki, Greece. (in Greek)
- Sofia-Natalia Boemi, Charalampos Tziogas, Athanasios Bozinis, «Energy Poverty and
Economic Development within the Global Economic Crisis: «The Case study of Greece»»,
6th International Conference on International Business (ICIB), 22 – 24 May 2015, Thessaloniki,
Greece. (in Greek) - Charalampos Tziogas and Patroklos Georgiadis, “Sustainable Energy Security: Critical Taxonomy and System Dynamics Decision-making Methodology", 12th International Conference on Chemical & Process Engineering, 19-22 May 2015, Milano, Italy
- Tziogas C., Georgiadis P., «Exploring the Social Dimension of Pricing Mechanism in the Electricity Sector: A System Dynamics Approach», 10th National Conference of Renewable Energy Technologies, 26-28 November 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece. (in Greek)
- Naoum Tsolakis and Charalampos Tziogas, “Loyalty Marketing Entrepreneurial Opportunities in Greece: A Grocery Retailers’ Perspective", 5th International Conference on International Business (ICIB), 23 – 25 May 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece
- Athanasios Bozinis, Charalampos Tziogas, «Multinational Corporations και Economic Diplomacy in International Politics. A Modern Theoretical Approach», 5th International Conference on International Business (ICIB), 23 – 25 May 2014, Thessaloniki, Greece. (in Greek)
- Charalampos Tziogas, Maria Besiou, Patroklos Georgiadis and Reinhard Angelmar, “Patients with Chronic Disease: A System Dynamics Approach”, Informs Annual Meeting, November 9-12, 2014, San Francisco, California
- Charalampos Tziogas and Patroklos Georgiadis, "Investigating the Causalities for Cleaner and Affordable Electricity Production Mix: A System Dynamics Methodological Approach", 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, 29 September - 2 October 2013, Rhodes, Greece
- Athanasios Bozinis, Charalampos Tziogas, «Energy Sources and Economic-Political Development within the Global Financial Crisis: The Case Study of the Electricity Sector in Greece», 4th International Conference on International Business (ICIB), 16 – 18 May 2013, Thessaloniki, Greece. (in Greek)
- Charalampos Tziogas, Stella Sotiriadou, «Sustainable Development and Environment», 1st Panhellenic Youth Conference for the Parliamentary System and Democracy, 20 – 22
December 2013, Athens, Greece - Charalampos Tziogas and Patroklos Georgiadis, "Investigating the Causalities for Cleaner and Affordable Electricity Production Mix: A System Dynamics Methodological Approach", 16th Conference Process Integration, Modelling and Optimization for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction, Chemical Engineering Transactions, 29 September - 2 October 2013, Rhodes, Greece
- Charalampos Tziogas (2012). "Aristotle University of Thessaloniki and Entrepreneurship". Invited speaker by the non-profit organization COMVOS (Cooperation and Motivation of Students), held in the Aristotle University Research Dissemination Center, 7 December, Thessaloniki, Greece.
- Boemi, S.-N., Tziogas, C., (2015). “Indicators for buildings’ energy performance”, Energy Performance of Buildings: Energy Efficiency and Built Environment in Temperate Climates, pp. 79-93, Springer International Publishing, ISBN: 978-331920831-2; 978-331920830-5, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20831-2_5.
- Year: 2017-present | Field: Entrepreneurship Deliverable: Aurora the Lost Medallion (http://noemagames.com). Bring alive the first 2D, hand drawn, sci-fi, fantasy, point & click adventure game. In short, it is a family space
adventure, about a girl’s quest to find her identity. Inspired by old classics of the genre, the game blends comedy and drama to form a story that challenges your brain and teases your heart. - Year: 2016-present | Field: Research / Entrepreneurship / Technology Transfer Deliverable: Project vClavis (http://www.vclavis.com/) (Pressure Vessel Analysis & Design Cloud based Software. An innovative engineering software for the design, calculation and analysis of pressure vessels, the cornerstone component of modern industry.
- Year: 2016-present | Field: Entrepreneurship / Technology Transfer
Deliverable: International NE Conference (https://inneco.gr/). The project scope is to gain a position inside the biggest annual international events by promoting the entrepreneurship
and the interaction of people from different fields and uniting Greece with different countries, building a business culture and targeting to create a new international business hub! The concept is envisaged in order to attract public from all the economic sectors with international prominent speakers distinguished in their field, founders of innovative enterprises, executives of big and renowned companies as well as distinct business personalities that someone can rarely find and meet, let alone in the same conference, with speeches that can inspire every person who is doing business or is thinking of becoming a new entrepreneur. - Year: 2014-2015 | Field: Engineering Deliverable: “Lifelong learning Program in Product Design”. International Hellenic University (I.H.U.).
- Year: 2013-2014 | Field: Health Sector
Deliverable: “Develop a dynamic simulator for patients with chronic disease”. Partners for the development of the project was the following Universities:- Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Polytechnic School, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Industrial Management Division, Laboratory of Business Administration.
- Kühne Logistics University – Germany and
- INSEAD – France (leader of the project).
- Year: 2013-2014 | Field: Entrepreneurship / eBusiness Cooperation Project Greece–Bulgaria 2007-2013 with the acronym “TRIGGER”. "Transnational Initiative for Guidance of Graduated and Entrepreneurship".
- Year: 2011-2019 | Field: Academic / Research
Deliverable: “Upgrade and Digitalization of the academic and research archive of the Laboratory of Business Administration, Department of Mechanical Engineer, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki”. Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Airmobile Artillery Squadron Soldier (Lance Corporal)
116th Airmobile Artillery Squadron (Hellenic Army), Kilkis (Greece) Completion of all the predicted military schools with "Excellence" during the military service. Awarded the rank of "Corporal".
Scholarship of excellence from the Research Committee of Aristotle University of Thessaloniki for Ph.D. Candidates and Post Ph.D Students for the year 2014-2015
- Award from the Department of Studies of the Aristoteles University of Thessaloniki for the voluntary participation in the welcoming committee and ceremony (2011-2014).
- Meritorious Military Service (2009).
- Excellent Performance in Maths Olympiad held in Taranto at Liceo Aristosseno on 16th of February, within the European Education Project Skyline Network under Socrates Programme Comenius Action 1 (1999).
- Academic Consultant | Technical – IT Consultant
- Public and Municipality Sector
- Private sector
- International Journals
- Ecological Indicators (Elsevier) (Recognized Reviewer)
- Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews (Elsevier)
- International Journal of Sustainable Energy (Taylor & Francis)
- International Journal of Strategic Innovation and Marketing
- Energies - Open Access Energy Research, Engineering and Policy Journal (MDPI AG)
- System Dynamics Conference Proceedings
- Chemical Engineering Transactions
- European Commission
- Interreg, Erasmus+, Horizon 2020 / SMEs Instrument
- Mentor at Venture Garden, program of the American College of Thessaloniki, since 2017, https://www.venturegarden.gr/en.
- Member of the Executive Committee of the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (YEs for Europe), since 2018, http://www.yesforeurope.eu/
- Vice President of the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (YEs for Europe), 2017-2018, http://www.yesforeurope.eu/
- Member of Society of Macedonian Studies, since 2016, http://www.ems.gr/.
- Member of Charity Brotherhood of Men of Thessaloniki, since 2015, http://www.faath.org.gr/.
- President of the Association of postgraduate and future PhD holders of the Mechanical Engineering Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki. (since 2014)
- Member Institute of Solar Technology, since 2014, http://vergina.eng.auth.gr/IHT/index_en.html
- Member of the standing committees of the Entrepreneurship and Competitiveness of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Division of Central Macedonian (TCG/DCM). (since 2014)
- Member of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers - IEEE, since 2014, https://www.ieee.org.
- Administration team of Rotaract District 2484 Representation in Northern Greece for the year 2013-2014. In particular, in charge of the strategic and economic management team of the district, http://www.2484rotaract.org/.
- Member of the Association of IT Companies of Northern Greece, since 2013, http://www.sepve.org.
- Member of Association of Export companies of Northern Greece, since 2013, http://www.seve.gr.
- Member of the European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs (YEs for Europe), since 2012, http://www.yesforeurope.eu/.
- Member of the System Dynamics Society, since: 2012, https://www.systemdynamics.org/
- Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers - ASME, since 2012, https://www.asme.org/.
- Member of the Greek Association of Supply Chain Management, since 2011, http://www.logistics.org.gr.
- Secretary of the board of Mandoulides Alumni. The previous four years I held the position of Treasurer (since 2010), http://www.alumni-mandoulides.gr/.
- Member of the International Project Management Association (I.P.M.A.), since 2010, http://ipma.ch/.
- Member of the Project Management Institute (P.M.I.), (i.d: 1180731), since 2010, http://www.pmi.org/.
- Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Division of Central Macedonian (TCG/DCM), (i.d: 117436), since 2008, www.tee.gr.
- Co-founder of the Youth Entrepreneurship (http://clubne.com). Organization, located in Thessaloniki from 2009 until now, having great influence and potentials in Thessaloniki city and a large portfolio to show with events - lectures - meeting - workshops - mentoring and philanthropic events. He held the position of Treasurer, from the year 2009-2010, 2011-2012 and from 2013 he holdsthe position of Vice President. His main responsibilities among others are the following:
- Organizing, communicating, and managing series of the events, seminars and workshops and business trip.
- Mentoring and training
- Fundraising
- Raising social awareness and promoting the business culture in Thessaloniki.
- Standing committee of the 1st International NE Conference.
- Attended a large number of notably seminars both inside and outside of the country
- Holder of more than 40 certificate of attendance
- Professional accreditation for:
- Instructor (47686)
- Data Protection Officer (Vellum - pending)
- Product Design (Certified by I.H.U.)
- Project Management (no. 1180731)
- Risk Assessment –Agile Management (no. 1180731)
- Safety Engineer (50871/1500/12-11-2015)
- Energy Inspector & Designer for the industrial sector (no. 8983)
- Energy Designer - Consultant for boiler installation and air conditioning systems(6834/05-10-12).
- Energy Designer for residential sector (6309/12-04-12)
- Qualitative Computing (Certified by A.C.T. & A.U.Th.)
Innovation, Modelling, Robotics & Mechatronics, Networking, Travelling, Blogging, Photography, Design, Reading, Creative Writing, Walking, Site Seeing.